Hey, it’s Jan here!
I am an artist who has circled back to painting after an inspiring career in the interior design field. I believe art is the soul of people, it’s not what you see, it’s what you feel.

“Jan’s art reminds me to be creative. I often get caught up in my work or my “to do” list. When I look at one of Jan’s paintings, it gently whispers, “Do something creative today. Do something you like doing!”
- Francee
New! Painting & Prints

“Having Jan’s artwork dispersed throughout my home helps calm my nerves and engages my parasympathetic nervous system. I am usually running around the house, cleaning, finding imperfections, and chasing a toddler. When my eye catches a Wier painting - my thoughts stop, and I am able to reflect. They are all subjects that make me happy - animals, cupcakes, and flowers. I am able to then take a deep breath and appreciate all the beauty surrounding me. My husband catches me all the time doing this….”what are you doing? Are you ok? What are you staring at?” He is not used to me not moving"! - Liz
- Leslie Jake